vineri, 25 mai 2012

Mystical Astrology According to Ibn 'Arabi

Titus Burckhardt, Bulent Rauf, Keith Critchlow, "Mystical Astrology According to Ibn 'Arabi"

F..s Vi..e /2001-01-01 /ISBN: 1887752439 /64 pages /PDF /52,6 MB

A unique work, providing the underlying spiritual principles lacking in most modern books of astrology. It is accompanied by 12 color plates of a 16th-century Persian manuscript.

Eminent Swiss metaphysician and scholar Dr. Titus Burckhardt was devoted to studies in art, art history, and oriental languages, and embarked upon journeys through North Africa and the Near East. In addition to writing books in German, he translated many important works from their original Arabic.

Ibn ‘Arabî (1165–1240) can be considered the greatest of all Muslim philosophers, provided we understand philosophy in the broad, modern sense and not simply as the discipline of falsafa, whose outstanding representatives are Avicenna and, many would say, Mullâ Sadrâ. Western scholarship and much of the later Islamic tradition have classified Ibn ‘Arabî as a “Sufi”, though he himself did not; his works cover the whole gamut of Islamic sciences, not least Koran commentary, Hadith (sayings of Muhammad), jurisprudence, principles of jurisprudence, theology, philosophy, and mysticism. Unlike al-Ghazâlî, whose range of work is similar to Ibn ‘Arabî, he did not usually write in specific genres, but tended rather to integrate and synthesize the sciences in the context of thematic works, ranging in length from one or two folios to several thousand pages. Nor did he depart from the highest level of discourse, or repeat himself in different works. The later Sufi tradition called him al-Shaykh al-Akbar, the Greatest Master, a title that was understood to mean that no one else has been or will be able to unpack the multi-layered significance of the sources of the Islamic tradition with such detail and profundity.